Its been quite a while since my last post I think and rightly so really. I haven't played any poker or done anything worthy of a mention. I'm trying to remain focused with revision, just for another 8 weeks or so before I can hopefully let go of all things uni-related for a few months. Although, I did manage to make it home for a week last week so it was good to get a change of scenery in that sense - although, the revision took precedent once again!
Anyway, I found myself itching to play again over the last few days and after an absolute diabolical train journey back to London on Saturday, whereby, briefly, someone committed suicide on the line and all services were terminated and stuck in random stations meaning it took me >5hours to do a 2.5 hour journey, I felt like playing on the Sunday evening. I got back pretty exhausted and frustrated on Saturday night so that might Sunday was a waste of time so I just booted up about 5 tables on Stars I think.
It felt good, that much is for sure! Although its only a couple of weeks or so since my last outing I'd been talking about it to various people so playing again was nice. I cashed in 2 but most notably, and like London buses, I got another Stars FT! This wasn't quite as nice as the first but nonetheless I managed to run like Usain Bolt in the $5.50 turbo and manage a 4th for $2k. That was really good and again a nice boost, as I now take a full amount of time out. My next session will be on the 24th May :(. To wrap up my poker endeavours: having withdrawn $1k the other week for a forthcoming trip, the roll is now at $8300. I intend to put $600 of that withdrawal back on however when I deposit on Betfair and Ladbrokes in preparation for going full-time. Until such time as any decent holiday or something materialises then I think I'll just keep the money on there, so that means a $9000 roll.
In other news, I have set up a thread on 2p2:
where I'm looking for a 2p2er and fellow grinder to take on a spare room in my flat for at least a month in the summer. More than anything I just don't want to pay all the rent as my current flatmate moves out. However, I also saw is at an opportunity to make June all about poker, in conjunction with my desire to play full-time. I think that should be good for my game and also a pretty cool period of my life.
I'm flying to Berlin later this evening with the girlfriend for a few days. Starting to regret booking it in some respects due to the ridiculous schedule and the adverse effects it will have on revision! Starting to worry a little bit despite doing what I think is quite a lot. Just have to continue plugging away I guess. Anyway, Berlin is to mark our 2 year anniversary and we've been away on similar sorts of occasions so it will be good. Its not somewhere that has massively interested me in all honesty but she's always wanted to go there and I managed to convince her that it was worth staying in a suite in this hotel and possible letting me play 1 tournament if it fits in with our plans - just want to play abroad! We'll see how it goes but I'll report back on Friday!
Finally, big congrats to Fenix35 who was back on the live circuit again recently. After deep runs in the Irish Open main event and side event he finally managed to get that elusive live final table in the UKIPT Coventry. Although losing those crucial flips still managed to haunt him and shipping the thing didn't come through! Next time..
Jon on the other hand isn't having so much luck, with the crucial flips being lost all over the place. I watched him on a couple of final tables last night and it was the same familiar story with AK < AQ being the highlight.
Its incredibly frustrating for him but also me, not only because the element of friction that is inevitably caused when results go for me and not him (when we both go at it together effectively) but also because its something we've always had a passion for so if we both had a string of results going then I'm pretty sure we would have some baller times and a cracking summer! Sincerely hope he manages to get some run good together this Easter and set us up for a sick summer! GL to you pal...
Anyway, I'll stfu, I always manage to create these stupidly long posts when I'm not blogging regularly! I'll summarise the trip to Berlin when I get back. Although its only 2 nights so how much there will be to mention is debatable! Have a good week and good luck!
A bit of heat to start off the new year
11 years ago